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Looking for easier way to survive the course?

Solution: The ChemMastery's step-by-step methods for mastering chemistry.

Want a better grade?

Solution: Ace your chemistry with our template-based study system, specifically designed for chemistry students

Need help with chemistry problems?
Solution: Personal coaching by the Author.

by Dr. Wayne Huang, will reveal to students a powerful yet simple way to master chemistry and boost your grade with step-by-step instructions and fill-in-the-blank templates. Chemistry mastery has never been easier. With his insider view about teaching chemistry, he unveils the myths and truths about learning chemistry, and little know facts and confessions by professors.
Chemistry Survival KitChemistry Survival Kit
This complete package contains:
130 page Guide and 8 Templates
5-Stage ChemMastery
Super Memory for Chemistry
Complete Chem Exam Guide
Cheat Sheet Templates
12 minute Math Review
Problem-Solving Template
Step-by-Step Worksheets
Professor Insider Guide
Plus 101 Chemistry Study Tips
Do You Feel That You Are An Underachiever In Chemistry?
If So, Don't Study Chemistry Until You Read This!

    In this 130 page guide you'll discover . . .

  • A break-through simple system for mastering chemistry and boosting your grade the easy way!
  • The take-you-by-the-hands approach to show you what to do in lectures, reading, homework, exam-prep and exam-taking.
  • A time-tested, proven way to use cheat sheets in chemistry learning - without cheating.
  • The only step-by-step, fully explained blueprint for problem-solving in chemistry - The K-U-D-O-S Method. Solving problems has never been easier!
  • A 12-minute math crash course for chemistry, with a quick review sheet. This is all the math you need to succeed in your chemistry course.
  • The top 10 confessions of chemistry professors and how you can benefit from these insider secrets.
  • How you can score high on exams with tips and tricks on how to prepare and take various chemistry tests (multiple-choice, true/false, show-work and other types). Knowing these exam secrets will instantly boost your exam scores.
  • Super memory techniques to unlock the scientific memorization. Learn about the A-I-R Memory method. Knowing these will enable you think and talk like a chemist and reduce your memorization tasks by 50%.
  • Top 10 answer checkers for chemistry - so you can turn in your exam with confidence.
  • How to read your instructor's mind . Knowing these tricks could boost your grade dramatically.
  • The four-step panic plan. Learn how to cram systematically , if you have to. The rules of cramming will be a life saver for those procrastinators.
  • Top 21 strategies to ace your next exam.

The list goes on and on. There are 101 tips in every aspect of chemistry learning to help you become a smart student.

Chemistry is often the most difficult subject in school, but your child has to pass it. Having a template-based ChemMastery system and the personal chemistry coach is the best way you can help your kid. Dr. Wayne will work with your kid to help out the problem areas.

Looking for an easy system to teach and inspire kids to learn, you are welcome to adapt the ChemMastery system and many core concept movies supplied for lecture purpose. Templates provide a fill-in-a-blank method to show students how to prepare for a chemistry lecture, take notes, review materials and prepare for exams using well-designed templates - ideal companion for any textbook.

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Core Concepts + Problem-Solving + Cheat Sheets = Chemistry Mastery
Breakthrogh rapid eLearning based on this formula - "Teach Yourself Chemistry Visually in 24 Hours"
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Dr. Wayne Has My
Highest Recommendation"

Henry Po, Professor of Chemistry

"Dr. Wayne is a
Top-Caliber Professor!
Dr. Catherine Atwong, Assoc. Professor

"The Teacher Likes the System Too!"
Debra Caputo, A HS Chemistry Teacher

"A Passion for Education"
Dr. Ed Wilson, Professor of Chemistry

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