What is Core Concept Tutorial?
It is to teach you the essentials you must master and the problem-solving associated with these concepts. Don't mistake our self-taught tutorials with your teacher's lecture presentations (instructor-guided) or help text you find on the web (unorganized).
The topics of these core concept tutorials have been carefully selected and our web-based learning tools have been designed professionally by instructional experts and chemical educators, guiding you the concept understanding and problem-solving in a dynamic learning environment and self-pace style with simplicity.
The goal is to get you ready for the exam quickly by studying a few core concepts and how to relate them to solve problems. It is your fast-track to chemistry learning.
With All of These, How Much Is It Worth to You?
Here is the GOOD NEWS!! For absolutely limited time only, the entire coaching program ($297 value) is complimentary if you purchase my Chemistry Survival Kit.
Free Chemistry Coaching for the First 180 Students!
Yes, it is free and it is only for the first 180 students who sign up. It's my token to thank you for the willingness to follow the simple system and take your study into the next level.
Here is the catch! The only way you can be sure to be in my inner circle of Chemistry Coaching Club is to get your own Chemistry Survival Kit today, since the seats are running out. Only the coaching students entitle to receive the core tutorials above (limited time offer) and one-on-one coaching from me.
Committed to Your Success,
The Chemistry Survival Coach
PS: You will have the complete chemistry mastery system with step by step instructions and fill-in-the-blank templates, plus hold-your-hands coaching to guide you to the success. This is not the time to sit there and wonder whether you should grab this amazing package. You will have a simple system to follow and the coach to guide you through. It's the easiest way to survive and excel your chemistry.
I am ready to help you - Are you in?